Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Letters to Elliot...

Some people are so brave. This was their first child, and these parents were not at all naive to the fact that their precious baby was not long for this world, but grieving was not an option while Elliot was still with them on this earth. The road of courage and love chosen simply blows my mind. This video shattered me to my core, and when I realized that Michael was just a couple days over 99 days, I was overwhelmed with the notion that every day I have with Michael hence forth is another day more than they had with baby Elliot, I can only imagine what they would have given to have just one more day or even just another moment with Elliot. My own gratitude is unequivocal. Lest not let life pass us by without stopping to realize that every single day we are graced with our children's presence is a gift. I love you Michael and I look forward to the next 99 years with you...every single day!

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