Friday, November 7, 2008

blog about a blog -Volume I, Chapter 7

I am simply blogging about this so that I do not forget this idea later on.
Assuming I continue this blog, my ultimate idea is to put the blogs into a book form with each year being a new the time Michael Henry is 18 years of age he would be the proud new owner of 18 volumes of blog goodness from his mommy!
(LOVE YOU MICHAEL! By now, you may have started reading volume I, and I presume your first semester at Harvard has already commenced...but Harvard or the local community college, I am sure I am very proud of you!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's nothing like the unconditional love we have for our children. Great idea to save the blogs for him in book form!! Have fun with it and him, he's a doll.

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