Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stroller envy

Evidently, there is quite a cache in having “THE” stroller, something I was completely unaware of prior to having a child, although I recall being mildly annoyed by the huge brightly colored Bugaboos that adorned the streets of SOHO during my lunch hour, forming a Technicolor obstacle course down Broome Street straight into the Gourmet Garage, making my quick trip out to grab some grub a bit maddening, not to mention a constant reminder of the pretentiousness that represents much of downtown Manhattan these days (I reserve further comment for another blog), in any case, I don’t care what your social status, over $1,000 for a stroller…come on now! Who have we become!
That said, once you begin to embark on motherhood, you do become obsessed with strollers, and I will admit I did get caught in the ether, and for a minute I think I too became taken with the notion of having one of these heavenly vehicles (I partially jest), but all kidding aside for a brief moment you wonder how you will be able to hold your head high down the streets of NYC without a high end stroller, it is like high school all over again, but thankfully, I am no longer 16 years old, and what other people think matters very little these days. So, once the fumes evaporated and clarity was regained, I was able to continue my quest for the perfect stroller for us. One of my top priority was having a stroller that had a reversible handlebar, so we can look at this little angel when we wanted to while strolling, also, I wanted a pram style, so that the baby can sleep in a comfortable, roomy space with a total recline. I also wanted something moderately light; initially this was our priority number one, as we were living in a walk-up, not an issue any longer since we decided to move in the interim, so I was able to get something moderately light with more of the features I was wanting. I also felt that I wanted to buy something US made, let’s face it, the European’s have cornered the market on strollers (Gracco, Peg Prego, Bugaboo, Stokke etc.), which is fine, and the quality is top notch, but, given the climate here in the USA, I have been feeling that is it important to make and attempt to by US products where possible. Lastly, I wanted something good looking, with the stiff completion out there, I needed something that was going to stand up on it's own and look, well, spiffy! I admit I am not completely unsuperficial!
In the end what we came up with is…………drum roll please……..let me present to you
The Bumbleride Flyer……

IN A WORD---WE LOVE IT, AND AIN'T IT SPIFFY?! (and the kid ain't to shabby either!)

1 comment:

Sam & Dave said...

I think I have stroller envy. That is one sweet ride!

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