Friday, April 16, 2010

Measure of Success!

So often over the last several months, I have come to the Blog to make an entry and have been met with a sort of "writers block", which I think in true terms means a "fear of failure"...I am not witty enough, not inspired (or inspiring) enough, not interesting enough...and the list goes on....

In reality, in the eyes of my son (Michael Henry if you haven't figured that out by now), I am the funniest, wittiest, most exhilaratingly inspiring and interesting character on the face of this planet! At the end of the day what better measure of success is there in life! One might proclaim, "Well, he is just a toddler with a limited frame of reference!" To which I profess (with chest in full puff) "Nonsense! He just has an impeccable sense of all that is AWESOME!" Incidentally, I still think all of the aforementioned things about my mommy and I am 37 years old, so I may not be that off base here, in any case, it gives me something to continue to live up to for the rest of my days, and that is one challenge I delight in!

Over the past several months, we are continually amazed with how clever, funny, and remarkable Michael is. The most important thing to me is the realization that your child has a conscience and is truly connected. When mommy or daddy seem sad (or sometimes just do the pretend cry bit) Michael immediately stops what he is doing to come over and console us with a loving hug and a gently rested head in our lap. To call it heartwarming would be an understatement! With autism being so rampant, it makes me sad to think that there are so many parents waiting to be met with that spark of connectedness from their child. On a hopeful note, with organizations such as Autism Speaks, we seem to be making better progress on that front than we have in the last several decades and some findings seem promising.

I can go on to brag about how many words Michael says, how athletic and coordinated he is (if I didn't have such high hopes for a neurosurgeon or something of that nature, I would venture say he has all the makings to be a Yankee pitcher one day), how well behaved he is, but rather than go on and on about that, I choose to just dazzle you with some photos and videos! ENJOY!

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