Friday, November 5, 2010

luggage, letters, locomotives, life.....

In two months it will be 2011, the end of the year always leaves me wondering where the time goes and how can we ever really capture our life wholly and completely?

Sometimes I feel like life is like luggage on a baggage carousel going round and round...just when you think you have a good grip on it, it slips away, back on the carousel....waiting again for the moment to be able to pick it up and hold it in your arms with a sure grip when suddenly, you lose track of it again...

When we are young we have such a clear, neat vision of how life will be, a poem of sorts; a symphony of words laid out carefully and actuality, life is more like a game of scrabble, words put together awkwardly at times, being stuck with that "K" that doesn't meld with the rest of the vowels you are holding, so you patiently wait, sometimes at the mercy of someone else's letters...And every once in a while you are able to put all your tiles together to form that perfect sought after seven letter word. Now, did the person before block your spot? Sometimes yes, sometimes no....but you focus and find things you never thought you could have had, with enough patience that triple letter space even opens up from time to time and you react quickly to seize on the the end you spent the time with people who you enjoy and made the best of the letters you pulled out of that darn sock...not very poetic, but that sock is really very practical...

Michael is two years a three months, today is literally the three year anniversary of his conception....I remember I had a faint cramp in my left side, an indication that ovulation had commenced, and I knew with every fiber of my being that that day a baby would be made...the rest as they say is history...

Michael is such a bright light, so fun loving, gentle, compassionate, and smart in ways I could not have ever expected. He now sleeps in his big boy bed (albeit butted up against mommy and daddy's bed), and lately every waking moment is about Thomas the Train Engine and all of his friends...Thomas, James, Henry, Percy, Emily, Culdee, Gordon, Toby...etc...He loves his guys with a passion and we tote them around just about every where we go these days.

This weekend is daylight saving, that glorious Saturday night when the clocks magically turn back and we awake feeling very refreshed after that extra hour...I always feel so satisfied to get that hour of my life back...every moment counts doesn't it......

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